Monday, September 9, 2013

Noiseless Boomerang UFO Spotted Above Oklahoma

A witness from Norman, Oklahoma reported seeing a boomerang-shaped UFO moved without any noise about 1,000 feet from the ground with white lights. The testimony of the witness was filed under Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Case 47260. Just recently, this case was closed as an unknown.

The object was first observed when the witness was outside in the backyard looking for the family cat on May 7, 2013 at around 11:40 PM.

According to the report, the witness saw a boomerang-shaped object when looking up. The altitude of the object was approximately a thousand feet above the ground. The witness noticed white lights in a V-shaped formation on the wings. The object moved slowly without any noise from east to west.

The witness first thought the object was an airplane but changed mind when no sound was heard coming from the mysterious object.

The object disappeared to the sight of the witness because of the treeline as it continued to travel west.

Norman is 20 miles south of downtown Oklahoma City with 110, 925 population. Seventy five cases in May 2013 are now closed by MUFON investigators as unknown and that include case 47260. 

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