Monday, October 18, 2010

UFOXCi troviamo a Juffair, cittadina del Bahrain (Golfo Persico). E’ il 14 ottobre 2010 e sono le 06:00 del mattino, quando un residente (di nome Adams) ode un trambusto provenire dall’esterno, si affaccia alla finestra del suo appartamento e nota alcune persone che stanno guardando in alto indicando il cielo. Egli, a sua volta, rivolge lo sguardo verso l’alto e si accorge che, sospeso nell’aria, c’è uno strano oggetto scuro che a prima vista sembra essere un pallone. Ma la realtà risulterà essere diversa: di colore nero e attorniato da piccole luci che appaiono tremolanti, l’oggetto comincia a fluttuare nel cielo fino a scomparire improvvisamente, lasciando il posto ad una sottile ma visibile scia di vapore diretta verso il mare.
Di cosa si è trattato?
Sotto, l’e-mail originale (in inglese) inviata dal testimone al giornale.

Posted on » Sunday, October 17, 2010

“When my alarm hit 0600 on October 14, I heard a hullaballoo outside my Juffair residence near Best Western Hotel. When I looked outside there were some joggers and a newspaper boy staring up at the sky.
I looked up and saw this thing, which I first presumed was a balloon or something, but it was definitely more than that. It was black in shape and had tiny lights around it and was hanging in the sky the same way bricks don't.
It was floating several metres and then after a minute the lights flickered in a strange fashion and it vanished..!!! In the place where the object was, there was a vapour trail leading towards the sea.
I spoke to the people downstairs who were flummoxed very much like me and had no clue. I hope that others who have also seen the same phenomena can corroborate my story.”


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