Friday, April 22, 2011

Is this a Stealth Triangle UFO?

I happen to come across this recent video whilst doing my daily search. I was about to let it go but instead took a second look.

Admittedly, it certainly did hit me as one of those balloon deals we so often see. You know, someone ties 3 white balloons in a triad configuration and then films it and calls it a UFO. Now I will admit that the odds of it being a simple formation of balloons is pretty high, in fact I’d put the likelihood at around 98%. However, there is still that 2% chance that it could be a UFO of a different sort.

An alternate choice that seems to fit is some kind of stealth aircraft. As you can see it appears to be holding formation in a very consistent manner. I think we can all agree that balloons tend to go where the air currents take them even if they are lashed together with fishing line. At least one of them would have to break geometry at some point, right?

That being said, lets take a look at the video as I’m sure you didn’t come here to read my mindless drivel.

Now I have to admit, there’s very little chance of this being a UFO that is of any great relevance but as I said, it does cause a few questions in my mind. I just think there’s enough going on here to reason beyond the balloon theory. We are very quick to label and therefore we often miss subtle nuances in our haste. It’s important to at least study something long enough to clear any remonstrance we may have. In fact I’d like to throw down the gauntlet as it were. I am posing a challenge that everyone take at least two minutes to review even the fairly obvious fakes you may encounter. Actually you can start today on this very video. Did you really study it or did you just do a once thru and jump to a conclusion?

Link to video:

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