Sunday, April 17, 2011

Massive UFO cover-up launched by spooks over leaked memo

Massive UFO cover-up launched by spooks over leaked memo
Opinion by Michael Cohen
Last week UFOs were in the headlines thanks to the FBI launching an online archive that included a memo from the early 1950s that stated the following:
"An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
According to Mr. (redacted) informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers. No further evaluation was attempted by SA (redacted) concerning the above."
Mainstream media outlets including FOX News and the UK's Daily Mail gave the topic serious coverage. The tone of many of these articles conceded that this memo might indeed strongly suggest, if not outright prove, that the US government is hiding knowledge on aliens and UFO visitation.
For once, UFOs were being taken seriously and the public seemed ready to accept the reality of alien and UFO activity. However, some people were clearly nervous about this. Almost as soon as these compelling articles about the memo appeared a coordinated attempt to discredit the memo was under way.
What is odd about this campaign to make the public forget about the memo was that those involved are all well known figures within what is referred to as the “UFO community”: People claiming to be all about ending UFO secrecy.
Heading this group is UFO researcher, Dr Bruce Maccabee.
All of these individuals made exactly the same comments about the memo: Firstly, that it has in fact been in the public domain for over thirty years (Having been released in 1978 to Dr Maccabee himself in response to a FOI request) and secondly that it does not refer to the Roswell UFO crash at all but to a hoax that the writer of the memo had been given second hand information about.
The first point is correct, but so what. How does the fact that the memo was given to Dr Maccabee in 1978 alter its substance? The second point is merely the opinion of Dr Maccabee with no real evidence to back it up.
Dr Lynne Kitei, in her own words, sped down the highway to make it to a live TV interview with FOX News, where she did her darnedest to convince viewers that this memo was proof of nothing at all. She came across as every bit the hard-nosed debunker. What she didn't tell viewers is how she claims to communicate with passing UFOs and even have emotionally fulfilling relations with aliens. Mr Larry Lowe, wasted no time at all in posting an oh-so-rational piece on to his regular examiner column saying exactly the same things Dr Maccabee and Dr Lynne Kitei said. Mr Lowe is a believer in the ability to use remote viewing to communicate with aliens on their home planets.
Shortly after these shadowy figures went to work, a new slew of articles cropped up parroting their exact words.
None of this is surprising. There are competing factions within the cover-up: Some believe its time to spill the beans and others don't. The most extreme proponents of the cover-up make up the leadership of a circus-act known as the “UFO industry”: a useful place to entrench themselves into. Theirs is simple strategy: Always assert and promote the absurd while denying the plausible and compelling. This means UFOs are always assured of marginal freak-show status and the public is kept in the dark, just the way some earthlings clearly like it.
Michael Cohen is an editor of All News Web as well as a writer, presenter and paranormal investigator


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