Friday, April 29, 2011

NASA Confirms Santa Fe UFO Photo Authentic

Christian Macé's picture

The image was captured by a photo journalist from Venado Tuerto, who sent it to NASA for evaluation.

A photo journalist in the town of Venado Santa Fe Eye he took a picture of a unidentified flying object (UFO) and then, when sent to NASA for evaluation, the agency confirmed that the image was authentic, according to the agency published Télam .

It is the journalist and photographer Gaston Garnier, 26, who last December 10 was in the amphitheater of the Piazza Italia Venado Tuerto, awaiting the start of a folk rock.

To clarify the wait, Garnier decided to try his camera and took about five pictures to the moon appearing larger and brighter on the pines in front of the Plaza.

"In December there was an eclipse and was testing how far I would get the moon in my camera, I made five pictures and I was hoping to start a rock. Until that moment I saw nothing strange in the pictures," he told the reporter and photographer working as a correspondent for the newspaper Southern Cross, the Rosary.

Garnier said that when he got home, got the pictures "and among the five who had captured with my camera featured a rare object, a kind of Greek And with bright balls hooked at their tips and perspective."

Everyone I saw that image, including fellow journalists and photographers, agreed to describe it as very rare. I at no time I realized that object when drew the pictures, because I was focused on the moon," he said.

Assessment of NASA. In order to get the plot on what was photographed last March 5, Garnier went to Internet and thus could give the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA, which sent the photographs for evaluation scientific, although it previously had to fill out a form with your information.

Two days later, from NASA replied that the image of the UFO "had been subjected to several filters, and had determined that it was original, authentic and there were no tricks of any kind," said the journalist.

According to the daily said La Capital , Rosario, NASA also explained the mechanism for this case.

"Moreover, I also reported that the December 13, 2010, as another image was taken in Abrantes (Portugal) and at the same time I did the shots in Argentina," said Gaston amazed.

He explained that the NASA report says that "after digital analysis, we come to the conclusion that we have a genuine photo of a UFO (UFO) that, compared with several samples of our database, displays a 80.75 percent of similarity to one photographed on 13 December in Abrantes, Portugal. "

Garnier said, finally, that in January a colleague and friend from Venado Tuerto, who was in a bar in that town, also released a photograph of an object similar to the Greek and photographed him.


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La NASA conferma la Santa Fe Foto UFO Authentic

Christian Macé's picture

The image was captured by a photo journalist from Venado Tuerto, who sent it to NASA for evaluation. L'immagine è stata catturata da un foto-giornalista da Venado Tuerto, che lo ha inviato alla NASA per la valutazione.

A photo journalist in the town of Venado Santa Fe Eye he took a picture of a unidentified flying object (UFO) and then, when sent to NASA for evaluation, the agency confirmed that the image was authentic, according to the agency published Télam . Un giornalista fotografia nella città di Santa Fe ha Venado Eye ha preso la foto di un oggetto non identificato volare (UFO) e poi, quando inviate a NASA per la valutazione, l'agenzia ha confermato che l'immagine era autentica, secondo l'Agenzia ha pubblicato Télam.

It is the journalist and photographer Gaston Garnier, 26, who last December 10 was in the amphitheater of the Piazza Italia Venado Tuerto, awaiting the start of a folk rock. E 'il giornalista e fotografo Gaston Garnier, 26 anni, che lo scorso 10 dicembre fu nell'anfiteatro di Piazza Italia Venado Tuerto, aspettando l'inizio di un folk rock.

To clarify the wait, Garnier decided to try his camera and took about five pictures to the moon appearing larger and brighter on the pines in front of the Plaza. Per chiarire l'attesa, Garnier ha deciso di provare la sua macchina fotografica e ha richiesto circa cinque immagini per la luna appare più grande e più brillante tra i pini di fronte al Plaza.

"In December there was an eclipse and was testing how far I would get the moon in my camera, I made five pictures and I was hoping to start a rock. Until that moment I saw nothing strange in the pictures," he told the reporter and photographer working as a correspondent for the newspaper Southern Cross, the Rosary. "A dicembre ci fu un'eclissi e stava testando quanto vorrei avere la luna nella mia macchina fotografica, ho fatto cinque immagini e speravo di iniziare una roccia. Fino a quel momento ho visto nulla di strano nelle foto", ha detto il reporter e fotografo che lavora come corrispondente per il quotidiano Croce del Sud, il Rosario.

Garnier said that when he got home, got the pictures "and among the five who had captured with my camera featured a rare object, a kind of Greek And with bright balls hooked at their tips and perspective." Garnier ha detto che quando arrivò a casa, ha ottenuto le immagini "e tra i cinque che avevano catturato con la mia fotocamera in evidenza un oggetto raro, una sorta di greco e con sfere luminose agganciati ai loro consigli e la prospettiva."

Everyone I saw that image, including fellow journalists and photographers, agreed to describe it as very rare. Tutti ho visto che l'immagine, tra cui colleghi giornalisti e fotografi, ha deciso di descriverlo come molto rari. I at no time I realized that object when drew the pictures, because I was focused on the moon," he said. Io in nessun momento mi resi conto che oggetto quando ha richiamato le foto, perché ero concentrato sulla luna ", ha detto.

Assessment of NASA. In order to get the plot on what was photographed last March 5, Garnier went to Internet and thus could give the Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA, which sent the photographs for evaluation scientific, although it previously had to fill out a form with your information. Valutazione della NASA. Al fine di ottenere il terreno su ciò che è stato fotografato scorso 5 marzo Garnier è andato a Internet e quindi potrebbe dare il Goddard Space Flight Center della NASA, che ha inviato le fotografie per la valutazione scientifica, anche se in precedenza era di compilare un form con i tuoi dati.

Two days later, from NASA replied that the image of the UFO "had been subjected to several filters, and had determined that it was original, authentic and there were no tricks of any kind," said the journalist. Due giorni dopo, dalla NASA ha risposto che l'immagine del UFO "era stato sottoposto a diversi filtri, e aveva deciso che fosse originale, autentica e non ci sono trucchi di alcun genere", ha detto il giornalista.

According to the daily said La Capital , Rosario, NASA also explained the mechanism for this case. Secondo il quotidiano ha detto La Capital , Rosario, la NASA ha anche spiegato il meccanismo di questo caso.

"Moreover, I also reported that the December 13, 2010, as another image was taken in Abrantes (Portugal) and at the same time I did the shots in Argentina," said Gaston amazed. "Inoltre, ho anche riferito che il 13 dicembre 2010, come un'altra immagine è stata scattata a Abrantes (Portogallo) e nello stesso tempo ho fatto le riprese in Argentina", ha detto Gaston stupito.

He explained that the NASA report says that "after digital analysis, we come to the conclusion that we have a genuine photo of a UFO (UFO) that, compared with several samples of our database, displays a 80.75 percent of similarity to one photographed on 13 December in Abrantes, Portugal. " Ha spiegato che il rapporto della NASA dice che "dopo l'analisi digitale, arriviamo alla conclusione che abbiamo una foto autentica di un UFO (UFO) che, rispetto a diversi campioni del nostro database, visualizza un 80,75 per cento di somiglianza con quello fotografato su 13 dicembre a Abrantes, Portogallo. "

Garnier said, finally, that in January a colleague and friend from Venado Tuerto, who was in a bar in that town, also released a photograph of an object similar to the Greek and photographed him. Garnier ha detto, infine, che nel mese di gennaio un collega e amico da Venado Tuerto, che era in un bar di quella città, ha anche pubblicato una fotografia di un oggetto simile a quello greco e fotografato lui.

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