Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A vapour trail reflection or UFO?

UFO or not? A Dee Why man is convinced that the circled part of the image is a  Picture: Xavier Figarella

UFO or not? A Dee Why man is convinced that the circled part of the image is a Picture: Xavier Figarella

A DEE Why man is convinced he saw two UFOs flying over the northern beaches at dawn on Sunday, despite aviation experts rejecting the claim.

Xavier Figarella believes he saw two UFOs travelling across the sky about 6am as he was waiting to watch the sun rise from his balcony.

He said the objects were travelling in a straight line but appeared to be changing shape as they moved.

By the time he was able to grab his camera, only one remained.

“It was really weird,” he said.

“I cannot understand what it was.”

Mr Figarella said he did not believe in UFOs until he witnessed the two objects in the sky on Sunday.

He said he had several theories as to who could be operating the vessels including the CIA and, of course, aliens.

But a spokesman from Airservices Australia said it was unlikely the objects were UFOs.

``This has been quite a common sight in skies over Sydney in recent weeks due to atmospheric conditions and we have had a number of similar reports,’’ he said.

``It is the condensation trail of a high altitude aircraft highlighted by the rising sun.

``The effect also occurs at sunset.’‘

The spokesman said the condensation trail was likely caused by a Singapore Airlines Boeing 777, which was flying overhead at the time.

UFO Research NSW spokesman Doug Moffett said he was not surprised by the report because UFO sightings were quite common on the northern beaches.

``I know there’s been many stories in The Manly Daily over the years, particularly around the Narrabeen Lakes area,’’ he said.

``It tends to be an area where from time to time there seems to be activity.

``We are not sure of course why that’s the case.’‘

UFO or not? Comment below


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