Thursday, January 26, 2012

The strange Phoenix Lights

The strange
Phoenix Lights

January 26, 2012

Phoenix Lights taken by Dr. Lynne Kieteil. CLICK TO ENLARGE

Blowup of the Phoenix Lights taken by Dr. Lynne Kietei, CLICK TO ENLARGE

The year is 1997 and people in Phoenix, Arizona are seeing strange lights in the night sky. They eventually came to be called the “Phoenix Lights.”

Some folks thought the lights were space ships from other planets piloted by strange beings named Hal or Eugene or Rufus. Oddly, no one ever thinks these things have inter-dimensional qualities; it’s always the UFO/outer space thing.

But the fact is quantum mechanics tells us that space-time has numerous dimensions beyond the three that humans have an awareness of so if we’re being “visited” by anyone, the odds are much greater that the visitor is from another dimension rather than some stinky planet 18 billion light years away called Oompa L-7S35.

But we digress.

Anyhoo, here is a cool picture of the Phoenix Lights taken by Dr. Lynne Kieteil, who also wrote a book about them. Check out the extreme blowup on the photo.

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