Monday, April 30, 2012

Another Triangle UFO Spotted Over Tennessee (Video)

A new UFO sighting was filmed in the night skies over an unidentified city in Tennessee showing the now familiar triangle shape. This time, it seems there may be an explanation for this strange object. What is it?
The video, with no commentary on the audio track except for the sound of crickets, shows a triangular, brightly lit unidentified flying object hovering in the sky. For most of the video white lights can be seen on each corner of the silent craft. In the middle there is one flashing amber light.

That light appears to be navigational, something one would expect to find on aircraft flying through the night. If this is a traditional airplane, or more likely a helicopter, it still seems unusual.
It hovers in one place, seemingly noiselessly. And at one point near the end of the clip, one of the white lights on its edge goes dark.
The video maker, solarshot1, identifies the area only as Eastern Tennessee. That is an area with a long history of secret government programs, including the testing of new aviation principles of aerodynamics and experimental aircraft.
Could these triangle UFO sightings be explained by a new type of aircraft not yet revealed to the general public? It certainly would explain a lot.


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