Friday, April 20, 2012

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Shares His Experiences

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Shares His Experiences

Buzz Aldrin, an 82 years old astronaut, was recently interviewed by ninemsn upon his experiences to share his tales with all the people and his fan following.

The big name popular since decades for landing and walking on moon and making a successful come back to his home, had been interviewed countless times earlier. But this time, the opportunity of interviewing him was offered to ninemsn.

Buzz Aldrin’s 11 minute interview was fully loaded with questions submitted by several users of the social media site Reddit. Buzz Aldrin was interviewed in Sydney last night and while responding directly to redditors' questions, the astronaut uncovered several thoughts of him.

His answers clearly talked about his thoughts, experience of seeing a UFO and his mind set when he stepped onto the moon along with his bright hopes for humanity to colonize Mars.

Buzz’s interview informed his fan following about his new launch of UBank's Since Today advertising campaign. Sources are confirming that during the event Buzz will be exhibiting his own personal collection of photographs and all will be displayed at the Tom Dunne gallery in Darlinghurst, Sydney this weekend.

His fan list can definitely get no better chance than this to enjoy the astronaut’s experiences and share his journey of an astronaut. Moreover, the exhibition will also showcase some very inspiring and important moments of Buzz's life and that too is being provided for no cost at all.

Buzz Aldrin’s victory over moon cannot be forgotten and the next stop of the astronaut is Mars.

At present, NASA's legendary Apollo 11 lunar module pilot claims that Mars will soon have a permanent colony and that will form the heart of 21st-century planetary exploration.

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