Friday, April 27, 2012

UPDATE: Mysterious Circle Caused by UFO Landing at Las Perdices?

By Scott Corrales
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy
UFO Digest Latin America Correspondent

Source: Diario de Córdoba
Date: Thursday, 26 April 2012

LAS PERDICES, Argintina – The discovery of a circle with a 25 meter diameter in a field located in the Las Perdices rural area became the mandatory subject of conversation among residents of this quiet and lovely locality in the Tercero Arriba department.
While many locals claim that the surface impression is due to a landing by an unidentified flying object, others seek a more down-to-earth and human explanation.

The strange circumference was seen at first light yesterday on a sorghum plantation in a field located 1.5 kilometers east of Las Perdices, a property belonging to the Tossi family.
Elver Costa, another resident of Las Perdices, stated that the subject has captured public opinion in the locality and with passing hours, residents have visited the site in droves.
While the owner of the field has not made any statements, other sources claim that he will ask for an explanation of the event from the National University at Rio Cuarto or another institution of higher learning. It should be recalled that the sudden appearance of these circumferences or circles in fields has occurred on numerous occasions in various parts of the world, the cause being widely attributed to UFOs.
One of the rings was detected in a cornfield belonging to a rural property in Villa Rossi (Cordoba) and General Villegas (Buenos Aires) on the provincial border. Another two circles were seen in a field at Huinca Renancó, a few meters from each other. In all of these cases, the same hypothesis emerged, one that ascribes authorship of these circles to some flying object.
(Translation (c) 2012, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)

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