Monday, May 28, 2012

DRAGON - Le fantastiche immagini della NASA

Direttamente da NASA TV l'apertura del portello della Dragon, la prima navicella privata a portare rifornimenti alla ISS, non perdetevelo!

Pubblicato in data 26/mag/2012 da

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 31 Flight Engineer Don Pettit and Joe Acaba of NASA and European Space Agency Flight Engineer Andre Kuipers opened the hatch to SpaceX's Dragon cargo craft and entered the vehicle May 26, one day after the world's first commercial cargo spacecraft was berthed to the Earth-facing port of the Harmony module. Dragon will remain berthed to Harmony until May 31, enabling the crew to unload supplies for the station's residents before it is re-grappled and released to return to Earth for a parachute-assisted splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern California.


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