Friday, June 22, 2012

UFO: Los Angeles witness reports fireball over freeway

A Los Angeles, California witness reports UFO activity on filed on 19 June 2012 with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Both the ancient Pagan Gnostics and Jacques Vallée suggest that many UFO sightings may be the result of the "weaponizing" of the human mind by artificial life forms that have been referred to as "Archons". By accessing the human mind, "Archons" are apparently able to manifest or "project" many UFO sightings as part of a "spiritual control system" against the human psyche.

The witness reports what he or she was doing before the sighting.

“I was north bound on the 5 freeway passing Magnolia Blvd appreciatively 12:30 AM.”

The witness then documented his or her UFO sighting, and the relative distance of the UFO activity from him or her.

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