Sunday, July 22, 2012

More secret documents shed light on UFO mystery

More secret documents relating to the infamous ‘Welsh Triangle’ UFO scare of the late 1970s have been released and throw more light on the sighting of two silver ‘aliens’.

The National Archives has released dozens of letters and reports which reveal how the MP at the time, Nicholas Edwards, wrote of being ‘inundated’ by reports of UFO sightings.

The sightings focused on the Broad Haven and Little Haven areas and the documents refer to the celebrated sighting in 1977 when local hotelier Rosa Granville was woken in the early hours by a loud noise and lights.

Mrs Granville said she then saw silver ‘humanoid’ creatures emerge from a minibus-sized craft.

The documents describe the object as ‘like the moon falling down’. The silver suited ‘aliens’ were described as very tall and faceless who appeared to ‘take measurements or gather things’.

Letters show that a community relations officer from the nearby RAF Brawdy base visited Mrs Granville.

It says: “The CRO tells us that he can offer no explanation for the phenomenon she believes she saw. She spoke, I understand, of an object the size of a minibus which descended into the field and from which emerged two humanoid figures.

They had gone when she returned with help.

“The CRO inspected the field but there was no trace of any unusual visitation.”

Staff at S4, the department that investigated sightings, said there was ‘general speculation in the neighbourhood that a practical joker may be at work’.

The report adds: “RAF Brawdy have had other enquiries about men in silver suits and it is perhaps not irrelevant that a local factory manufactures protective clothing of this type for the oil installation at Milford Haven.”

It says that a silver suit was also on display in a shop at Brawdy village.

Years later it was suggested that pranksters had walked around the area in silver suits.

A letter written on June 3rd 1977 by a staff member at RAF Brawdy to the MOD added: “I’m unable to offer any explanation but should a UFO arrive at RAF Brawdy we will charge normal landing fees and inform you immediately!”


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