Thursday, July 26, 2012

UFO: Commercial Pilot reports Extraterrestrial-like activity

A commercial pilot reports UFO activity over Illinois on 21 July 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database that was filed on 24 July 2012.

UFO activity over Illinois

Dr. Carol Rosin suggests from consultation with the late Wernher von Braun that at least some UFO activity is alleged psychological warfare by a military-industrial complex. This Complex allegedly seeks to orchestrate “extraterrestrials” as the next enemy in the aftermath of a war on Earthbound “terrorists”. This Complex apparently seeks to re-direct public resources into military purposes in collusion with other capitalists.

The witness documents with MUFON that he or she is a Commercial Pilot with 40 years of flying experience in General Aviation aircraft.

The witness describes what he or she was doing before the alleged sighting that she reported.

“I was driving home, and coming from a pizza joint.”

The witness then reported seeing a “stationary object above the road.” The witness also describes the direction that the UFO activity was moving.

“Thought it was helicopter, passed under it, drove home about three more city blocks, as we drove into the driveway observed a multitude of objects moving from West to East.

The witness then took photos of the UFO activity.

“Watched it for a few minutes then started to take pictures.”

The witness observed the UFO activity for sounds, illumination and change in directions.

“Was amazed, no sounds, changed directions, brightly lit, thought may be balloons, but they were changing directions at different points.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please keep in mind that many UFO reports can be explained as something natural or terrestrial in origin.

Photos of the incident described to have taken place on 21 July 2012 was provided by the child witness in her MUFON report.

Roger Marsh describes an increase in the activities of “fireball” orange orbs across the United States.

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