Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Amazing UFO caught on tape! No CGI! Incredibile UFO! no computer grafica!

UFO Hoaxing 101: Airplanes and Tricks of Light

by Tom Rose

July 31, 2012 06:45 AM EDT

A UFO video on YouTube, with an appropriately sensational title, instructs on just how easy it is to either be lulled into belief, or to perform outright trickery. It's nothing short of a masterly thesis on the topic in three minutes or less.

In the video below, a shiny, seemingly solid gold, saucer-shaped object is tracked with a shaky camera hand. It has the classic shape and adds a beautiful touch by glowing enigmatically in the lowering sunlight.

It has the look and feel of an explosive sighting of an unidentified flying object that could earn millions of hits all around the world and ignite debate on both sides of the issue. Then the veil is lifted and this UFO morphs into... a landing airplane!

It's not clear if the poster of this video came upon this footage or produced it himself. He makes the point that if the morphing segment of the clip were to be edited out, it could easily pass as an authentic sighting. The lesson is well learned.

Source: http://news.gather.com

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