Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Latest MASS UFO Sighting | August 26, 2012 | Brooklyn, New York.

Pubblicato in data 27/ago/2012 da

Some really strange lights over Brooklyn, New York last night 8/26/12 at about 11pm. All in all there were 30-40 of these glowing orbs that looked to be flying in near perfect triangle formation. We were mesmerized as were several other groups of people who also witnessed the lights from the corner of Vanderbilt and Dekalb Aves. They were clearly not aircraft or helicopters and were in too perfect of a formation to be Chinese Lanterns. After watching them drift across the skyline for several minutes they all disappeared and did not reappear. The craziest thing is that if you search youtube there are multiple videos from exactly one year ago showing the exact same phenomena! If anyone knows what these things were or saw them too, please respond to this video. It was really strange! ps sorry for the language, we were kinda freaking out...

Published on Aug 27, 2012 by HeadsUpBrooklyn.


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