Monday, January 28, 2013

UFOs Swooping Down On Cotulla? 2013 HQ

Pubblicato in data 27/gen/2013
Eagle Ford is a hot spot for oil, but in the past few weeks it has turned into the mother ship for UFO sightings.

It seems Cotulla, Texas has become ground zero for UFOs in the past few weeks—if recent YouTube postings can be believed.

Several videos have been posted on YouTube showing different sightings in the Cotulla area. One UFO video was posted two days ago.

The Mutual UFO Network is a national organization that investigates UFO sightings.

MUFON says they have been getting a lot of calls from South Texas.

The group says they can solve 80 to 90 percent of the cases they follow. It's the other 10 percent that they get excited about.

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