Friday, March 29, 2013

FBI vault reveals UFO memo

Pubblicato in data 28/mar/2013
CNN's Brian Todd reports on the most popular document in the FBI's digital reading room: a memo about a UFO sighting. For more CNN videos, visit our site at
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    hottel memo
     A memo containing crucial information on UFO sightings was relayed to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    In the memo, a third party reported to the FBI that an investigator for the Air Force reported the recovery of three flying saucers in New Mexico.

    The machines were approximately 50 feet in diameter and had circular shape. Three human figures occupied on each flying saucer. The beings measured 3 feet tall and wore metallic or silver cloth, the memo stated.

    All unknown beings in the ufos were bandaged with seemingly blackout suits similar to what are used by test pilots and speed fliers.

    On March 24, 2013, the FBI released a statement indicating that the UFO story is the single most famous document in their records released under the Freedom of Information Act.

    The file mentions that the memo came from March 22, 1950 from Guy Hottel, a lead from the Washington D.C. Field Office who delivered the memo to Director J. Edgar Hoover.

    The informant made a claim that high-powered radar of the government found the flying saucers by interfering with the machines’ controlling mechanisms.

    Nevertheless, the FBI made it clear that the memo has definitely no proof that UFOs really exist. The agency further elaborated that the memo was just another hoax circulating the world, adding that it was reported to them erroneously because of the belief that it is actually investigating similar cases.

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