Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Astronomers from NASA Report Sightings of UFO


This is the year to mark sightings reports of Unidentified Flying Objects across the globe. NASA International Space Station has reported several sightings of these Unidentified Flying Objects.
Scott Waring, who used to be affiliated with the U. S. military, is now an editor for the Sightings Daily. He revealed that sometimes objects were noticed close to the ISS and at times they went past it.
"There really is an endless stream of UFOs seen on the NASA ISS live cam. UFOs are recorded almost daily", said Scott. He added that many times the objects were found to match the speed with the ISS and far away and sometimes moved about or passes the ISS cam.
Moreover, he said that colorful discs were noticed many times flying in the sky. The disk had several colors like green yellow and orange, which presents a great example of a very colorful disk.
A YouTube user Streetcap1 recorded and uploaded videos of UFO's in January. The video had UFOs visible at different times in the sky near ISS. Photographs taken by the NASA's camera were also included in the video. Objects appeared to move fast in a direction in some video, whereas another clip sighted a celestial object moving in slow motion.


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