Wednesday, April 24, 2013

UFO documentary reveals remains of six-inch 'space alien' found in Chilean desert are HUMAN

The tiny skeleton, known as the Atacama Humanoid, has fuelled speculation for ten years, with many considering it to be proof of extra-terrestrial life

Extraterrestrial? The six-inch skeleton
Extraterrestrial? The six-inch skeleton
Sirius documentary
The mummified remains of a six-inch “space alien”, discovered a decade ago in the Chilean desert, have been identified as human.
The tiny skeleton has fuelled speculation for 10 years, with many considering it to be proof of extra-terrestrial life while others believed it was an aborted foetus or a monkey.
The creature, known as the Atacama Humanoid (or ‘Ata’), was found in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003.
The discovery was made by Oscar Munoz, who had been searching for objects of historical value near to an abandoned church in La Noria.
Sirius documentary
Discovery: Ata was found in the Chilean desert 10 years ago
Sirius documentary
 He described Ata to Open Minds as: “A strange skeleton, no bigger than 15cm [the size of a pen].
“It was a creature with hard teeth, a bulging head with an additional odd bulge on top. It’s body was scaly and of dark colour. Unlike humans, it had nine ribs.”
Now UFO documentary Sirius has revealed that Ata was not a hoax but in fact a mummified human, the Huffington Post reported.
According to documents, a forensic medical expert at Basque University, in northern Spain, said: “It’s a mummified body with all typical characteristics of a foetus.
Sirius documentary
Evidence: The creature was subjected to rigorous testing
Sirius documentary
“The body displays all the structures and anatomical links normal for the head, trunk and extremities.
“Taken together, the proportionality of the anatomical structures… [allows us] to interpret beyond doubt, that this is a mummified human foetus completely normal.”
Trailers for the Sirius documentary had previously suggested DNA analysis of Ata proved the creature was of “unknown classification”.
But at the documentary’s Hollywood premiere on Monday, Ata was revealed to be a male human.
Sirius documentary
Space alien: The mummified remains proved to be human
Sirius documentary
 Ata is currently in the possession of Barcelona entrepreneur Ramon Navia-Osorio, the head of UFO organisation the Institute for Exobiological Investigation and Study.
Gary Nolan, director or stem cell biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine in California, told the Huffington Post: “Obviously it was breathing, it was eating, it was metabolising.
“It calls into question how big the thing might have been when it was born.”
Sirius also explores a campaign calling on the US government to reveal what it reportedly knows about UFOs and alien life.



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