Friday, April 12, 2013

UFOs: Disclosure Is Coming

Disclosure is coming for the UFO world, or so we hope. Political activist Stephen Bassett, along with researchers and military witnesses, will tell their stories before former members of the U.S. House and Senate at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, starting at the end of April in Washington, D.C. They will testify about events and evidence that supports the idea that many people have of an extraterrestrial presence regularly engaging the human race. Their goal is to end the alleged ET truth embargo.
As controversial as UFOs and aliens are, the last time Congress held a hearing addressing the extraterrestrial issue was in 1968. How can that be? There are so many daily sightings around the globe, some telling of crafts that are stupendous in size.
What is probably the most well known UFO story is the Roswell Incident of 1947. A saucer, reportedly containing aliens, allegedly crashed on a ranch near Roswell, N.M. U.S. military personnel were sent to the crash site to gather all relevant evidence. The world was first told it was a crashed flying saucer, then the story was changed to it being a weather balloon, and then later, the public was told it was test dummies. It is one of the most publicized and controversial of UFO incidents.
Did you know there was a fleet of UFOs that flew over the White House on July 12, 1952? It's known as the "1952 Washington, D.C. UFO Incident," the "Washington Flap" or the "Washington National Airport Sightings." There were a series of reports from July 12 to July 29, 1952, over D.C. Yep, more than two weeks of UFO sightings over our nation's capitol.
A massive UFO was spotted by dozens of people over Stephenville, Texas, on Jan. 8, 2008. It was described as half a mile wide and a mile long. Some witnesses claimed to see military aircraft following the object, and others say they saw black helicopters flying at low altitude over their property after the sighting. There were reports of missing livestock and others claimed to have been threatened to keep their mouths shut about what they saw.
It's been reported that over 10,000 people witnessed the gigantic series of lights over the city of Phoenix, Ariz., in 1997. Known as the Phoenix Lights, even Fife Symington, the governor at the time, after making a joke of the situation at a news conference the following day, has since come out to say he, too, saw this huge "otherworldly" object.
These are only a few of the numerous sightings seen in the United States. Unidentified flying objects are reported daily all over the planet.
I feel witnesses are left without answers, baffled, confused and sometimes terrified. If they mention what they saw to anyone, they then have to prepare for the potential ridicule of being told they are fools, nut cases, real wackos, and left alone to deal with something that may have changed their lives forever.
When a gun is found in a school locker or an unmarked box is seen in the middle of a highway, it can make national news, and result in full blown investigations. But when a massive, silent machine glides in the air over one of our cities or suburbs, and it's reported to be the size of four football fields and seen to reach speeds from 0-3000 mph in an instant -- as was reported in Stephenville, Texas, the same national news coverage does not exist. And if there are investigations, which I sure hope there are, there is no mention of them.
It is always interesting to hear the different theories of what these crafts are in the sky. Some people claim these UFOs are our military testing new top secret aircraft. I have heard others say they are some other country's military aircraft. Witnesses, like myself, want to know what these objects are in the sky. Since we get no definitive answers, our next question seems to be, "Why are you not telling us?"
If the day comes that you see a massive vehicle flying over your head that is completely silent and the size of four football fields, or you see many strange lights that hover in the sky changing directions at angles we are not used to seeing and then shooting out of sight at speeds we are not used to seeing, you, too, may ask these same questions and feel frustrated that no acceptable answers are forthcoming.
One of the many theories suggesting extraterrestrial visitation is that they created us and are watching our progress. A theory I really enjoy related to this idea is the Intervention Theory by Lloyd Pye. It speaks of an intelligence behind the design of Earth.
Another theory out there is they are visiting and mining our planet for minerals. Others have speculated that we already have different treaties with the aliens. One of those alleged treaties allows them to study us, which includes continuous abductions of people and animals. In return, it is said they are to give us technology, medicines, or knowledge. Scary, eh?
It is thought by some, myself included, that if we were all privy to knowing that ETs exist, we could cure every disease, mental disorder and energy problem, because it is thought the alien visitors have these answers.
I believe disclosure will tell us who we are as humans and what our role is in the universe. I also believe we humans are ready to handle the truth of these other beings.
Good luck to those attending the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure speaking out about what you and many countless others have witnessed in the sky. I am quite sure the day will come when your efforts and courage will be acknowledged by the masses.


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