Tuesday, May 28, 2013

UFO over Rudolph, Ohio - 26 May 2013

UFO Orb over Rudolph, Ohio 26 May 2013 by justa4t

Latest UFO sightings - New video of a bright UFO or orb flying across the sky above Rudolph in Ohio. This was taken on Sunday, 26th May 2013.

Witness report: My husband and I were sitting out in our backyard. He suddenly looked over my shoulder and said "What the hell is THAT?" The object was almost directly over us and was huge. It was a large translucent square and within the square was a very bright pulsating white light that changed to a faint glowing red and then back to white. We watched it slowly and silently float across the sky until it was out of our view due to the tree line. It moved slower than a plane. We both video taped it with our smart phones.
Author (source: mufon)

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