Monday, May 27, 2013

UFO Shoots Close To Passenger Jet Over Beach In Taiwan, May 25, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Pubblicato in data 26/mag/2013
Date of sighting: May 25, 2013
Time of sighting: 12:07:21 noon
Location of sighting: White Sand Beach, Taiwan.

Guys, Me and my wife and kid were excited to get to the beach last Sat since its been rainy for three weekends in a row. I was filming my son making a sandcastle when I heard the passenger jet overhead. I shot it hoping I might catch a cloud orb checking it out, but the sun was too bright and I do not have a viewfinder so the reflection off the screen prevented me from seeing it at the time. Also its really fast so I had to put it into slow motion at 25% speed.

It seems to have come very close to the plane nearly hitting it. In screenshots I see it coming from above nearly hitting the right wing.

I was using my Sony HDR CX380 camcorder. Its a Full HD camera. The video and photos have not been altered. No added contrast or light.

From the screenshot, it looks to me to be an AI drone or in other words, a cloud orb. Cloud orbs can appear as transparent, translucent, black or white...or all at the same time.

Thanks, Scott C. Waring

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