Sunday, June 2, 2013

LIFE, death, Marilyn Monroe, and UFO secrecy

June 1 is the birthday of iconic sex symbol, actress, model, and singer Marilyn Monroe, who was loved throughout the world. For anyone who remembers her beauty and talent as being "out-of-this-world", here is a brief story that might leave you numb and staring into space.

 Marilyn Monroe and UFO story on LIFE cover

It is a story of power, sex, secrets, UFOs, illegal CIA wiretaps, and probably murder. It is a story too hot even for Hollywood. Marilyn Monroe graced the cover of LIFE Magazine's April 7, 1952 issue, now a collector's item. It may have been a prophetic start to a story with a tragic ending. In her usual way, she sizzled with her bigger than life sultry, sexy pose – her silky loose dress draping down below her soft shoulders.
That alone would have been enough to sell a record number of issues. And yet, in bizarre contrast, the upper right hand corner of the cover had the words "There is a case for interplanetary saucers".
Most people must have been more in awe of the star named Marilyn than in anyone from stars in the heavens. But it makes you wonder if she read about the UFOs and what she thought about it.
Perhaps the intent of the LIFE cover was to thrust the magazine’s readers into a state of hyper-arousal over Marilyn's photo. That would have lessened the blow of the comparatively minor news that, "Oh, by the way, there are other folks out there in the universe, and they have come to Earth!"
The article inside was titled, "Have We Visitors from Space?" by H. B. Darrach Jr. and Robert Ginna. It was a serious treatment of the subject of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth compared to mainstream media in recent decades. It states boldly that,
"The Air Force is now ready to concede that many saucer and fireball sightings still defy explanation; here LIFE offers some scientific evidence that there is a real case for interplanetary saucers."
The LIFE article also revealed that,
"Further, …the Air Force invites all citizens to report their sightings to the nearest Air Force installation. All reports will be given expert consideration and those of special interest will be thoroughly investigated. The identity of those making such reports will be kept in confidence; no one will be ridiculed for making one."
Obviously, that policy went down the drain real fast. One of the conclusions drawn by LIFE Magazine's review of Air Force data was that:
"Disks, cylinders and similar objects of geometrical form, luminous quality and solid nature for several years have been, and may be now, actually present in the atmosphere of the earth.”
Only three months after the LIFE article, the U.S. Capitol was swarmed by UFOs clearly not of this Earth. They were witnessed, photographed and filmed. Yet, today our “fearless” leaders act as if it never happened. Fortunately, the campaign to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver in 2010 reminded citizens of the very thing politicians are deathly afraid to discuss. Over 31,000 Denver voters supported the effort.
The second part of this story surrounds the tragic death of Marilyn Monroe. While the cause of her death was officially declared to be an overdose of barbiturates, close friends knew otherwise and researchers have uncovered facts that support suspicions about the official “line”.
In 1994, an authenticated CIA document surfaced. It was dated just a few days before Marilyn's death. The document was published in Extraterrestrial Contact – the Evidence and Implications by Dr. Steven Greer, Director of the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Disclosure Project group. Dr. Greer stated,
"Note that the document, which has very important project code names and numbers on it, is a summary of CIA wiretaps of Marilyn Monroe. After the Kennedy brothers distanced themselves from her she felt hurt and began to call Bobby Kennedy and some of her friends, threatening to hold a press conference to tell the world what President Kennedy had privately told her about some very sensitive matters.
The most sensitive of these matters was the ET issue. Note the section of the document which refers to telling all regarding what President Kennedy told her about "the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space." Later, the document refers to "secret effort by the US and UK governments to identify the origins of crashed spacecraft and dead bodies" and that Dorothy Kilgallen believed the story may have come from the New Mexico crash in the late forties...'a clear reference to a Roswell-type incident. The document also refers to Monroe's "secret diaries and what the newspapers would do with such disclosures."
Read the full LIFE Magazine, and more complete excerpt from Dr. Greer’s book on the CIA document here.
See the photocopy and transcription of CIA document.
Could the UFO issue, which shared that famous cover of LIFE Magazine with Marilyn Monroe, also have played a role in her death ten years later? We might never know, unless someone out there has makes that little red diary public. But maybe it does not matter. Marilyn, rest in peace and love. Happy Birthday!


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