Tuesday, June 25, 2013

U.F.O! (Saucer)....Try saying this is a balloon, or Venus!......Derby Uk 24/6/2013

This object has appeared night after night! at different times! In different places! ... If calling this object something you can easily understand, like a balloon! or Venus makes you feel better, so you don't have to think to much, & you can keep your blinkered, Mind controlled, mind set in tact, Then great! Knock yourself out!.... But it does not change the fact it is a Flying Saucer!....p.s... If your being paid by the government or youtube to Discreidit these things on purpose!.......... THEN YOUR A SAD EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!! ... & A TRAITOR TO HUMAN KIND!....Hope the money is worth your soul!......Blessings

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