Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WWII Crop Circles Discovered on Google Earth 1945 Layers

Crop Circles Are No Hoax, Concludes Historian After Studying Google Earth's New 1945 Overlay

Crop circles dating back to 1945 are proof the phenomenon is no modern hoax, a Tasmanian historian claims.

The mystery of the increasingly intricate patterns was supposedly solved after several high-profile cases were revealed to be the work of artists and mischief-makers armed with barrels, planks of wood and plenty of spare time.

Credit for the hoaxes has been laid largely at the feet of pranksters Dave Chorley and Doug Bower, who in 1991 announced they had been pulling the wool over people's eyes since 1978.

A crop circle in Halesowen. Greg Jefferys estimates this one to be about ten meters in diameter. He points out the shadow on its south east perimeter corresponds precisely with the shadows cast by the trees and hedges and that the quality of the image is high enough to show there are no tracks through the grain crop leading to or from the crop circle.

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