Monday, July 15, 2013

Iowa witnesses watch circular UFO hover

Three Iowa witnesses in Grundy Center reported watching a circular-shaped object that slowly moved overhead and seemed to drift, drop in altitude and hover at times, before moving away toward the town's northern boundary, according to June 7, 2013, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The case was reported by MUFON Investigator Beverly Trout who closed the case today as an Unknown after interviewing the witnesses following their encounter which began about 11:09 p.m. on June 3, 2013.

The reporting witness was outside in her backyard with her visiting daughter and her daughter's boyfriend when the object was first seen.

"They saw a circular-shaped light to their west at about 45 degrees and then watched as light/object slowly, almost floating, traveled nearly overhead to the northeast, appearing to correct a bit to the north-northeast as it moved beyond their position, sometimes appearing to zigzag a bit, and also to very briefly hover at times during the 2-3 minute transit," Trout stated.

The object appeared to move toward the town boundary about five blocks away and then was seen to stop and hover and twice was seen moving toward the ground level.

"Both witnesses lost sight of light/object beyond a nearby tree line after these altitude descents. Location of witnesses was near northern boundary of small town of some 2,500 population and the altitude descents are thought to have occurred just beyond the town boundary, although it is acknowledged that land distance to the light/object at the time of descent could have been further away than five blocks."

No images or videos were included with MUFON Case 47945. Grundy Center is a city in Grundy County, IA.

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