Thursday, July 25, 2013

Manipulative Extraterrestrials: Michigan family reports alien activity

Waterford, MI (MUFON) -- My family lives in an apartment on the bottom of a hill, on the top of the hill is a baseball diamond, and right on the edge of the fence is woods, so we are used to hearing stuff when we go out there.

Usually its just rustling of leaves and animal noises. This past month my mother has been hearing the "DROID" sound usually pretty quiet and far off, like when you turn on a droid phone (5 times in the last 30 days).

My mothers name is J; she and her friend K, were out on the porch having a cigarette tonight, while I was putting my daughter to bed, so I didn't see this part. They said they were outside smoking when they heard the "DROID" sound, so naturally curious, they went up to the top of the hill to look and see if there was someone walking around in the baseball field. They said they saw a white softball-sized light, hovering in the air, with little blue and red beams underneath it (kind of like a flashlight with glow sticks hanging off of it I guess) and a few human like shadows.

They are unsure of how many there were, but they estimate 3. They said it looked like there was one on the left side of the light, and one on the right, and about 5 feet in height, but they are unsure because it was far away. They said they saw the things move and sway, but not any extraordinary or fast movement. Next, they said they noticed a big figure, approximately 7 feet in height and 4 feet, shoulder width, which was standing behind the light. They are unsure whether it just appeared, or if it walked up, or if it was already there and they just didn't notice it. That one did not appear to be doing anything but standing there, watching the other ones dance. J and K said they stood and watched the beings, mystified and silent for 10 minutes or so, before they realized that they probably shouldn't spy. So, they walked back down the hill, and went inside. I walked out of my daughters bedroom, just as they came inside, and that is when they told me what happened. They looked shaken and serious.

After a long fight to get the kid to sleep, I needed a cigarette, so the three of us went back out to smoke again. We did not go to the top of the hill to investigate any further. In fact, we heard a noise off in the distance (in the same general direction in which they said they'd seen the things) that sounded like a shovel digging in the dirt. We felt uneasy/like we were being watched, and went back inside. I plan on going out there tomorrow to see if I can find anything that might answer some questions. 

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