Wednesday, July 3, 2013

UFO Sighting in the Hudson Valley: There's a Website for That screenshot July 2, 2013 screenshot July 2, 2013
Written by Dina Sciortino
The Hudson Valley may be getting new foreign visitors, but it’s not the kind that will help boost local tourism. According to UFO, an unidentified flying object (UFO) was seen in Nyack on June 19.
The witness posted his or her sighting on UFO that same day and reported seeing three circulars objects that appeared to be translucent or white in color hovering in the Rockland County sky.
Here’s what the witness said:
"I was driving home from school on the thruway. As I was merging off the exit, I looked up in front of me and I noticed something in the sky. As I was going around the bend I had to turn my head to the driver's side window to see it since I was driving away from it.
I clearly saw three clear to whitish objects closely together. It did not seem like they were moving. I wanted to grab my phone but it was dead. At first, I thought maybe it was a plane, or a bird, but clearly planes don’t hover and I never saw a clear bird before. 
I also knew it wasn’t a plane because as I drove home I kept looking into the skies, and I saw another object with similar color characteristics, but then I realized it was a plane because it had wings and it was moving.
I don’t know what it was, but I know for a fact that it was nothing like I have seen before, and it was definitely not a plane. 
The feeling I got after the UFO sighting was confusion, because I wanted to know what it was and I wanted answers. My heart was beating fast, and I asked myself, 'what did I just see? Did I just see what I think I saw?' I lost sight of the object as soon as I got off the exit. I don't know why I didn't stop to watch it. I feel like by the time I actually comprehended what just happened it was too late to make that decision. I didn't really get to see what it was doing or hear anything. My sunroof was open and I feel like an object that close would make some kind of noise.
Patch interviewed Linda Zimmerman, a local author and historian, who was researching UFO sightings in the Hudson Valley after people kept telling her what they saw.
Zimmerman says that the Hudson Valley ranks as the third highest place in the county for the number of sightings.


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