Saturday, August 31, 2013

3.1 Mile Comet ISON Being Escorted By Two UFOs Toward Earth! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2013
Location of discovery: Comet ISON C/2012 S1
Date of discovery of comet: Sep 21, 2012
Source: Date by TIAM LIAN 1 satellite. Aug 23-29.

Here is some footage of the comet ISON close up. This footage shows two cigar shaped UFOs orbiting the comet. I believe these two UFOs are either hiding with the comet so they wont be detected by other aliens or...even more likely, these UFOs are escorting...guiding the comet to an unknown destination so that the aliens could harvest the valuable minerals it contains. 

This is the second video in recent days of this comet. The first one shows that the comet is actually three different parts, two long and one round. This new video confirms that its fact. Two videos...confirming the same thing. This is not coincidence. 

Now for the scary part. This comet is suppose to pass so close to earth that you will be able to see it with a telescope. Are these UFOs guiding the comet to use it to impact the Earth? The comet is 5km or 3.1 miles across! Enough to do the extinction event. 

Look at it this way, when scientists finish an experiment that they used dog or monkeys in, when the experiment is finished, the destroy all the animals. In this way the experiment will not pollute other possible experiments. If humanity is just an alien experiment then this is what we can expect one day. SCW

Wiki states this about the comet: On its closest approach, C/2012 S1 will pass about 0.0724 AU (10,830,000 km; 6,730,000 mi) from Mars on 1 October 2013, and it will pass about 0.429 AU (64,200,000 km; 39,900,000 mi) from Earth on 26 December 

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