Thursday, August 1, 2013

NASA’s (un)Scientific Approach to UFO Study

NASA has been notoriously mum about UFO research, and that which has been leaked has been subject to intense speculation, debate and often disregarded as trivial. The question to be asked is what does NASA say about how they approach UFO study. In this way, one can see without distraction as to whether or not NASA is flowing with fair UFO investigation.
Reading the title What about UFOs? the reader assumes a fair analysis will be provided. However, this post on NASA’s website offers a blatantly biased, one-sided discussion.
“That whole subject is really irrelevant to our own human quest to travel to space.” The author of the post suggests that the “signal to noise” ratio is a clear example of why we should not be wasting time with such studies. “There is an expression that engineers use: “signal to noise ratio.” It refers to the difficulty of getting the real signal, say a voice over the telephone, to stand out and be heard above all the noise and clutter that is also on the line. On the subject of UFOs the signal to noise ratio is so abysmal, that it does no good to listen.”
Bearing in mind that this is the first information they offer under the FAQ, it is safe to say the purity of scientific investigation is tarnished when it comes to UFO study. It reeks of a blinkered stench, aiming to make the reader’s mind up without providing sufficient information for the whole sphere of this sensitive subject. The post does, however, reveal why the writer is so dogmatic, sharing that in terms of our own advancement as human beings, no value is offered even if UFOs are real; “If we humans are going to figure out how to build space vehicles, then WE have to build our own space vehicles. It doesn’t matter if it has or has not been done by someone else.”
But what about bridging the communication gap so that if there are advanced races – or even just other alien races – in the universe, we can see how building space vehicles has been done and how we may do it for ourselves?
“No branch of the United States Government is currently involved with or responsible for investigations into the possibility of alien life on other planets or for investigating Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s). The U.S. Air Force (USAF) and NASA have had intermittent, independent investigations of the possibility of alien life on other planets; however, none of these has produced factual evidence that life exists on other planets, nor that UFO’s are related to aliens. “
Interestingly enough, the subject of UFO investigation has been branded as mere hearsay and therefore merits no time, energy or resources. There are however, currently 701 cases of reported UFOs that remain unidentified. Astronauts who are privy to Unidentified Flying Objects receive a fast explanation for these from scientists back at the office. The scientist holds superior knowledge in this field, and therefore they should know best. In every instance of such a report, NASA determines the observations could not be termed “abnormal” in the space environment. Considering how vast this universe is and how small a zone we are aware of, and then yes, seeing unexplained phenomena in space is not “abnormal.”
If the unbending idea remains in our minds that it is a ridiculous notion to believe UFOs exist, it inhibits further advancement within us as human beings. Why is it such a ridiculous idea? And why is it not generally accepted to investigate the idea of UFOs with an open, unbiased, inquiring and yes, scientific, mindset? It seems only once we go into the subject clear minded can we see with reputable vision. Until that time, the truth about a subject will elude the investigator.

An Op/Ed by Jessica Rosslee


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