Saturday, August 24, 2013

UFO caught in video over Georgia during strange thunderstorm

YouTuber Margaret Pfeiffer was filming the aftereffects of lightning strikes on her property and the property of her neighbor when she filmed a strange object apparently plunging out of the sky at an angle.
She only got a few seconds of the elongated reflective object as it seemed to fly quickly towards the ground at an angle before she lost sight of the object behind some trees. In the description for the video Pfeiffer says she does not feel the object was a plane, and speculates that it might be a drone or a UFO. She says:
I captured this after the fire from across the street here. Say what you will but, this has no wing’s as a plane would have. Watch in full screen & keep pausing. There isn’t even a shdow for the wing area. I believe this is a drone or UFO!! Comment if you want to. Thank you Take care everyone & much love & peace to you all!! XOXOX
The fire Pfeiffer refers to was the reason she was outside. In another video she posted from that day she is going outside after a lightning strike hit near her house. She says a neighbor’s house was also hit, and films emergency vehicles racing to her neighbor’s house as the lightening strike seemed to have caused a fire. The strange thing is, as Pfeiffer documents in the video, the sky is mostly sunny and clear with very sparse cloud coverage.
Another YouTube user, wowforreeel, re-posted the video in slow motion so viewers can get a better look at the strange object in Pfeiffer’s video. Let us know if you have an idea as to what Pfeiffer caught in her peculiar video.

Alejandro Rojas


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