Monday, August 12, 2013

Your UFO reports: 3rd August - 10th August 2013


Salisbury, Md - 8/11/2013 9pm
We spotted these lights. They would fade and then reappear. They did this for atlest 15 min after we noticed them.

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Knox, PA, USA and Clintonville, PA, USA - 8/11/13 9:20pm to 11:30pm
So this is a sighting that happened. My friend Dillon, who lives in Clintonville, Pennsylvania said he saw a UFO on his way home from my house, almost 3 minutes after leaving my house. We've seen them several times before in the area, 4 times total before tonight (August 11th, 2013). I went outside around 9:15pm, to see if I could see it at all. At first I didn't, but then activity in the sky picked up really, really quickly. Let me explain how. I first saw a low, slow moving plane-like aircraft. Then I almost immediately saw another one following behind it. After that point, the skies started going crazy with all kind of aircraft. A stealth bomber passed right over top of my house, at least that's what it looked like, it could have been something else though. Over the course of the roughly two hours, there were at least 15 stealth bombers that passed overhead of my area in Knox, Pennsylvania, and roughly around 4-8 more where Dillon was located. Not ONLY did we both see them from a little over half an hour away from each other, but there was a lot of booming going on, as well as flashes of light. The radar was clear, not a thunderstorm around for hundreds of miles in any direction, and the sky didn't have a single cloud in it at all either. The flashes of lights lit up a huge section of the sky at a time, with booming following either right after or right before them. There was absolutely no way it was thunder. The booming sounded like either impacts or some kind of artillery going off as well. I saw what appeared to be 2-3 UFOs, Dillon saw 3, two that were stationary and one disappeared, the second stationary one was changing colors rapidly from a center-like orb. All 5-6 of them we saw were all triangle shaped, with an orb in the center. It died down after 11:30pm, yet the booms and lights have been said to still be going on at the time I write this, which is 1am, in Callensburgh, Pennsylvania, which is roughly 30 minutes from Knox, and over an hour from Clintonville.
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Shavertown, Pa - August 11th @3:51 am
I was outside on my desk having a cigarette, i noticed a bright light in the sky, it was statioary at first, i was looking at it for around 2 minutes, all of a sudden, this thing took off so fast, no noise, nothing at all. It was rather spooky to witness this, i have never ever seen nothing like this in my life. It sure makes one wonder if ufo's do actually exist.
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Twin Falls, Idaho - 08/10/2013
Hi twinfalls id, have visitors from space they fly over city after 11 pm night this is real they want to be on video and photos belive me to all people on earth they are here watching on us they have red white light after fly over me they drop small white light that light fly over me this is true dogs are noise in street when they feel that in sky bye peace on earth
UFO hunter Twin Falls
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3 miles NNW of lawn wood medical center, Florida - August 7, 2013 at 2040 to 2050h
Witnessed a surface to air missile launch from the ground ( covered by trees from my vantage point) at 35 to 45 degree angle of attack from east to west flight path. I watched the missile being tracked by oblong shaped UFO aprox 250m by 350m in size for 1 to 2 miles until the missile reached cruising altitude. At this point the intended target produced a field around the missile and appeared to take control over it. At the same time approx 1500 to 2000ft in altitude the missile propulsion (brilliant red and suspiciously quiet, also subsonic so as not to alarm we curious and easily alarmed civilians!) illuminated intended target which revealed the delta or wedge shaped UFO. I watched until it was no longer in view.
Very overt reaction from such a covert operation, I have seen these deltas 3 other times in this area it's truly a hotspot and you can see the Blackhawks patrol just about every night if you know what to look for. 4 to 6 birds 8 to 10k feet 10 to 15 mile search grid accompanied by fighter support 1 to 2 jets at most.
What was hilarious is they shot off some fireworks after to cover the HUGE FUCKING MISSILE they fired literally a few hundred yards from civilian homes.... That was a nice touch!!!!
I am just an observer. I wish I could participate in these ops I am truly jealous and great full for the protection they are providing you guys know where to find me. We truly are at war all the time.
Photo was taken on accident, I thought I was videoing the event but the crap in my pants made me all thumbs.
Delta is to the left SAM is to the right with field around it.
John Doe
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Abbotsford,BC, Canada - 6 August 2013/ 9,20 PM
This is not my first observation of these flying and glowing orbs. This time I managed to shoot one of them with my camera. The movement of this white orbit was from east to west slightly north over Abbotsford. My husband also watched the object until it disappeared.

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Pahrump, Nevada - 8/5/13 9:30 pm
Very bright light from the south going north, then turn north east toward area 51, watched it for about 3 mi. light did not change coming or going. When it was going away from me I could see a silhouette in side of light flat dis with dome this thing made no sound I live outer edge of town so no street lights out here. Watched this thru my binoculars that are 7x50 372 ft at 1000 yds. this thing was to my guess about 12 to 15000 ft. high as it went over Mt Charleston toward area 51.
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Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - 01/08/2013
I'm not sure what this was but perhaps someone can explain.
I was looking up at the sky and noticed an exceptionally bright star, the brightest in the night sky. I realised that it was actually moving and immediately presumed that it was a satellite or a shooting star. After a couple of seconds I realised that it was too low and bright to be a satellite, and too slow to be a shooting star. It's trajectory was very straight and very low. It continued to travel in a straight line and I watched it until it disappeared out of my view. The intensity of the light did not fade. I thought perhaps it was a plane as it moved like one. But I know of no engine that appears like a bright star. There was no sound associated with engines, and it moved much, much lower than a plane would.
Any explanation for this viewing?
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Antwerp, Belgium - July 30th 2013
Take a good look at this UFO, anyone telling me this is an airplane should by some new glasses.
Filmed on July 30th in Antwer, Belgium
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West Corona, Ca - Mid-Late July 8:00pm
I observed several different UFO sightings over the month of July. The first occasions i happened upon them while telescope viewing. My first sighting was of a Orange orb hovering nearby Sierra Peak, the northern rampart of the Cleveland Forest. As soon as I locked eyes on it it shot off to the south, towards Irvine and dissapeared.

My subsequent sightings have been mostly of white orbs, flying around the sky aimlessly. Although they looked like stars or Venus on a bright night, These orbs made remarkable flight maneuvers; including sharp right turns and 180 accelerations. These sightings occured at varying hours of the evening, mostly just after dark, and right before sunrise.
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Tacoma, Washington - 07/12/13 1045pm
Could not sleep was laying in bed looking out the window and notice at bright star or planet, but it was bigger than that, watched it for ten minutes and decided to get up and take a photo. Went outside and
took three pictures, came in to look at them and they look nothing like what I was looking at. Went back out to take more and it was gone.
I have attached them there are three of them picture number two has about three different things in it. one and three have a couple of things in them. I have no idea what it is. Maybe someone had an idea.
I did send them in to King 5 News weather man to see what he thought
but did not hear back.

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Ohio - march 2012
I have a video of a lightning a lightning storm I took while me and my father were taking a trip to Illinois. I took this video which I have not shared and will not for I know it is real and I could hae the FIRST real evidence of something. ive had it for a year now and only a few people have seen it. The night itself was very odd....I guess ill start with some storey and finish. My father and I were traveling to Illinois from upstate NY. we were in Ohio at this point and stopped for gas, te attendant was not there and we waited about 15 minutes for him to return. We purchased our gas and left. While we were driving it stared to rain and it was bad. Since we were traveling I looked at the radar, the radar showed several red dots with green around them, the formation alone was strange but what caught my eye and I showed my father while he was driving was the storm appeared to be directly above the highway for about a 100 mile stretch. just one big cloud literaly over the highway and no where else taking every turn and straight away and we both were saying how odd it was. Next thing I remebr was a flash of lightning that was the brightest flash we have ever saw, for a split second we were blind. It wasn't the normal flash you would usually see at night, I literally filed the cab of the truck white you couldn't see anything for a good 2 seconds, just white as if a flash bang went thunder, we both werewting tinkingit wa going to be extremely loud, but nothing happened. At this point I pulled out my iphone 3 and pointed out te window and started recording the lightning, this is where I got the clip and didn't realize it until a week laer when I got homeand meand m father were showing my mom the lightning storm and that's when she saw it and had me re-watch it on a computer screen, but ill get to that. not knowing I captured anything what happened next is and what was told on the news is what had my faher and wierded out. after I recorded I knew I had some good lighting and stop recording. A few minutes later we come around a corner and its a traffic jam (3 in the morning) about 300 yards long. we see a few big rigs off the road and further down a large fire. We wait and start talking to a trucker next to us. He knows nothing. wee were there for 4 hours while were there traffic was re-directed around the turn where at the point no one can see anything and would not let us turn around and leave. This is where it gets strange. Everyone is directed by police to get in their vehicles. While waiting several unmarked tractor trailers go to the accident on the opposite side of the rd to the accident...unmarked black suvs with police lights and several fire trucks. And while this is all happening a news van is recording the truck right in front of us that looks like it just pulled over to the grass there is a truck on fire down the road. anyways after about 4 hours...which me and my father fell asleep the large traucks and blacksuvs leave all at once. we get out of the car the trucker we were talking to earlier get out and tells us 6 trucks including 2 truks that were hauling double were in the accident. as they let us through we see axles of trucks with no cabs a truck that the trailer is just melted to the ground and the truck itself is fine, not even scorched, piles of twisted metal and a few trucks that like I said look like they just pulled over. We talked how it all seemed just fishy. We get to our destination and se the new the next day. The new says 3 truck collision and trafficked stoped for 2 hours. They stated the accident was at 4 traffic was held for only 2 hours. They said the fire was a truck full of frozen fish...frozen fish. These frozen fish melt a 50 trailer to the ground and they said it was 3 trucks. My father is not one for cover ups and that's al he was saying because we were there and there was no truth to anything. I feel im lacking in detail its just late and it would take along time to put this into words...anyways all that happens and a week later we go back to ny. the first thing when we get home we twll my mother the crazy night we experienced from the weather the radar the accident and the news. O and the news said the stormed was caused by tornados...there was no wind at all but that's not the point. as im showing my mother the videio she tells me to go back and play it slowly. I have a video of a disc with no lights hovering over a field, you can see it while there is a few lightning flashes and you can see in one frame a perfect bottom and top to this disc and in the few frames of this one secong clip you can see it angle and start to rise in the air. Its the most intense thing ive ever seen and scared my parents. The few people I have shown it has freaked them out. My gf has watched it one time and wil not wath it again because it scares her so much. it is an obvious ufo. I am not sending the video because I feel it is something big I captured and wil be stolen from me. email me and tell me where we are at and we will go from there...
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Palacio de Bellas Artes Mexico city - unknow
This pictures were taken in Mexico city over Palacio de Bellas Artes by my nephew Hector Juarez, early this year, ufos? or something else?, you decide!!


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