Monday, September 30, 2013

Best UFO Sightings Shocking Events Over Ohio Sweden Hawaii September 2013

New! UFO Sightings Shocking Events Over Ohio, Sweden,Hawaii Massive Eyewitness 2013 last Friday night, while live on air, a caller witnessed and filmed something crashing into the earth! This might be a first for history if this turns out to be truly extraterrestrial.
Exclusive Breaking News UFO Crash Wilmington Ohio! September 27, 2013 Callers Into Thirdphaseofmoon Witness Massive Event! If you were in the Dayton Ohio Location and Captured this Phenomenon Contact Us At Thirdphaseofmoon!
Flying Saucers Over Sweden! Quote From Eye Wittiness "Since I was a child they have always been around... I started having full physical contact with them in 1982 when I still lived in Sweden. I get a sense or a "knowing" when they are around... its hard to explain... When I get that feeling I know they want to meet with me and that's when I go outside and wait for the impulse of where I have to go to meet them. They come from the star Mirach which is situated in the constellation of Andromeda. Their planet is called Anstria and is 197 light years away. They said we are related to them genetically which is why we look like them. They are here on a scientific mission as are other extraterrestrial civilizations. They emphasized that I must keep our contact secret cause it may compromise what they are doing on the earth. There are other people in south america and in Europe who they have contact with too."
Why is Kukuihaele Considered the Highest UFOs Sightings Location Per Capita in the World? Blake Cousins Investigates on Location of the Big Island Of Hawaii. Kukuihaele is a census-designated place (CDP) in Hawaiʻi County, Hawaiʻi, United States. The population was 317 at the 2000 census.

Dr. Bailey added "The mandible is not from any creature that comes from Earth. That's for sure." (Inside the real area 51: the secret history of wright-patterson, Tom Carey & Don Schmitt 2013 pg 2013)

UFO Sightings TruthSeekah UFO Music Artist! Watch Now 2013 Spread The Word!


Blake Cousins, Brent Cousins and Dr. J Andy Ilias had an explosive conversation for the thirdphaseofmoon morning segment for Event Horizon airing on revolution radio at First, last Friday night, while live on air, a caller witnessed and filmed something crashing into the earth! This might be a first for history if this turns out to be truly extraterrestrial. Then we went on to talk about an anonymous contactee from Sweden who sent pictures that are just as or even more extraordinary as Billi Meier's. If that wasnt enough, ever heard of the city with the largest city per capita? Well thirdphaseofmoon breaks that right here. And to top it off, have you ever wanted to see a grey alien bone? How about a jaw? Hear how 2 researchers came upon a dental assistant who was on a secret mission to create an impression of a real bone. Once made, it the impression was crumbled and throwin into the trash where the dental tech meticulously put it back together and created his own impression of the alien! it has been confirmed that it does NOT match any primate here on earth of all the 2000 species known from now and in history. All of this and more right here on the world's largest ufo channel. Here us live Thursdays 8-10 pm Easstern Time (GMT-4); call in 818-923-1713. October guests include Dr. Greer, Stephen Bassett, Colin Andrews, Stanton Friedman and many many more!

If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook!

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