Friday, September 13, 2013

Glowing UFO With Light Beaming Up To It, Reno, Nevada On Sept 6, 2013, UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: September 6, 2013
Location of sighting: Reno, Nevada
Source: Facebook friend

Friend of eyewitness states: 
Received a text massage from a friend in NW Reno,Nevada at 12:40 am on Saturday September 6. Unfortunately I was sleep and did not get it till the next day. His mother noticed the object first they watched it for 15 minutes or longer then his mom decided to drive and get closer. He said that when they left around 2 Am the object was still in the same spot. only 2 pics and this is the better one.

I had my friend to drive me to the spot where they took the picture just to make sure that no other possible light source may have been involved (like a car or other motorized...) and I do not think of any other possible source that may have been there! I asked him if he was sure that this was up in the sky and he said that he was positive that it was. almost forgot to mention that he said the strange thin about it was: The light was beaming up (traveling upwards) he described it as Lava lamp!


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