Monday, September 9, 2013

Photographer and UFO Researcher Wilbur Allen: Nightly photographic evidence over US Capital

Guest UFO Photographer and researcher Mr. Wilbur Allen

Topic: Wilbur Allen filmed in the Sedona Desert with Nat Geo, and by the time he returned to his home in Washington DC, he was confronted with the same craft that he had filmed in Area-51 as well as Sedona. He is convinced these are the same crafts and wormholes that he has been filming all along. He has notified the White House of these sightings via footage and has not had a a single response from them.
What does this say to Wilbur Allen?
He feels that either the Whitehouse is covering up the UFO activity in the DC skies, or that they are completely unaware of the activity. Either way, we need to push the evidence forward until a possible disclosure is achieved.

Please visit Wilbur Allen's website at to see the photographic evidence that at this point is undeniable!

*** ATTENTION listeners: This live show had some outside interference, and although at times in the first 20 minutes it is annoying, it is still a great interview. Have patience while you are listening, the technical issues were eventually solved during the LIVE interview.
We have decided to leave these parts that were slightly distorted in the original interview so that listeners could hear this for themselves.

More on Wilbur Allen

Engineer/inventor Wilbur Allen is no stranger to UFO encounters. An alien encounter in the UK at the age of 5 left him face to face with a group of grey ETs. He is a former White House/Air Force One engineer for ABC News, and a contract photographer at National Geographic.

UFO researcher Wilbur Allen will be updating us on UFO sightings that he believes are beyond this world, and he will demonstrate a craft entering and leaving our atmosphere through a wormhole or stargate. Recent footage he shot shows a sudden manifestation in Sedona, Arizona airspace, and then the craft exiting undetected two hours later. In a 2002 incident, a three and half minute photographic exposure revealed an object starting to vibrate, "and you could see an arc or a hole open in the sky," followed by a flash of light, he detailed.

It was only in recent years that Wilbur Allen acquired the technology to photograph anomalies in the sky, using higher film sensitivity and shutter speeds, to capture objects like cloaked ships as well as worm holes. "Most of the unexplained objects in the sky are light or plasma-based spacecraft-- sometimes seen as balls of light". ~Wilbur Allen

"Allen recounted being abducted by Greys as a child growing up in the 1960s, when he lived with his family at a military base in England. Perhaps related to an alien implant in his neck, he said that he receives a signal or impulse to be at a certain locations at certain times to take photographs, where often a UFO appears out of nowhere. It's interesting that while the aliens monitor his activities, he's monitoring theirs via his photographic documentation."

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