Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Monster Truck Kills 13 After Accident at Mexican `Extreme Aeroshow´ in Chihuahua

Horrific moment a monster truck driver lost control and ploughed into Mexican air show crowd killing 13 and injuring more than 70
Thirteen people were killed and more than 70 injured when a monster truck driver lost control and drove into an audience in Chihuahua, Mexico
Witnesses say they saw the driver hit his head on the inside of his truck before driving into the audience
Authorities are also investigating whether a mechanical error might have happened, causing the gas pedal to stick

A monster truck that drove off course and into an audience at a show in Mexico yesterday has killed 13 and injured more than 70.

The incident happened at the 'Extreme Aeroshow' in Chihuahua, Mexico yesterday.

The monster truck was leaping over a pile of cars when the driver seemed to lose control of vehicle and it drove straight into the audience attempting to flee.

Authorities are also investigating whether a mechanical error might have occurred, causing the gas pedal to remain engaged.
Six people were killed at the scene of the truck show Saturday, and another three people died receiving medical attention. Later, four more bodies were found under the monster truck's wheels.
Marco Quezada, the mayor of Chihuahua, initially said 47 were injured but that number has grow to 70.
The monster truck driver survived the incident and has been arrested.
After the accident, the air show was cancelled. It was the second day of the three-day show.

At the 'Extreme Aeroshow' in Chihuahua, Mexico yesterday, a monster truck driver lost control of his vehicle and drove into a crowd of spectators

Al menos 13 muertos al estrellarse un vehículo contra el público en una exhibición en México
El conductor perdió el control e impactó contra los espectadores. El Gobernador de Chihuahua, "consternado" por la "terrible tragedia" del AeroShow. Seis muertos por el choque de un 'monster truck' contra una grada en México. "Monster truck" arrolla a multitud; hay 6 muertos. "Monster truck" arrolla a espectadores en Chihuahua; hay 6 muertos, Siete personas mueren atropelladas por una 'monster truck' en Chihuahua.

The truck crashed into a grandstand after its brakes failed during a stunt show in northern Mexico on Saturday, injuring a further 80, dozens seriously, officials said.
46 of those hurt remained in hospital on Sunday morning following Saturday's incident at the Extreme Airshow in the city of Chihuahua, capital of the eponymous state bordering the US state of Texas, said Carlos Gonzales, spokesman for the Chihuahua state prosecutor's office. He said the death toll could rise as officials received updated information on Sunday.

Some 3,500 people attended the demolition show, in which pick-up trucks with giant tires crush smaller cars, when the vehicle lost control and smashed into the stands at around 7:00 pm.
Mr Gonzales said the driver appeared to have lost control of the truck after leaping over a pile of cars it was crushing.

Some witnesses said the driver appeared to have hit his head on the interior of the truck as he drove over the old cars, with at least two reporting seeing his helmet come off before the massive vehicle drove into the crowd of terrified spectators, who tried to flee.

Una monster truck se impacta sobre una tribuna repleta de aficionados y provoca al menos siete muertos

Entregan cuerpos de víctimas de accidente en Naucalpan
Monster truck arrolla espectadores en show de Chihuahua, hay 13 muertos
El vehículo de exhibición se precipitó hacia el público del evento Aeroshow y arrolló a los espectadores, se reportan al menos 6 muertos y 40 heridos

Mexico show monster truck wreck kills 6, hurts dozens. Mexican monster truck kills 8, hurts dozens when vehicle hits crowd. Monster Truck Kills Eight At Mexico Show. Mexico 'monster truck' crash kills six at air show. Monster truck accident kills eight at stunt show in Mexico. Monster truck crash kills 7, injures dozens in Mexico. 13 dead after monster truck accident in Chihuahua.

A MONSTER truck has crashed into a grandstand after its brakes failed during a stunt show in northern Mexico, killing six people and injuring 47 others, officials say.

Two minors were among the fatalities at the Extreme Airshow in the city of Chihuahua, capital of the eponymous state bordering the US state of Texas, said municipality spokesman Jose Luis Dominguez.

trece, thirteen, atropellados, runs over. killed. mueren. en el acto. mejicano. mejico.

شاحنة الوحش. يقتل. المكسيك. عرض جوي.убивает. Мексика. авиашоу. монстр. грузовик. october. octubre 2013

Comment by Oliviero Mannucci: I don't believe that is UFO.I believe that is a little drone.

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