Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pubblicato in data 15/ott/2013 Strada san severo san paolo civitate ,ore 22 circa

This is probably the best "Close Encounter of the Second Kind" I've ever seen, and the video evidence from this footage will probably put any doubters to rest from the first video. This amazing footage was captured on my home security camera on Oct 12, 2013 @ approx. 2:15 am in my backyard in S.E. Michigan.

My security camera footage was pointing north towards my backyard. The two small lights on the ground border the front of my pond.

Please take a close look at the orb @ 02:25 as it appears to be drawing the water up from the pond.

I'm setting up more cameras this week in the hopes to gain even better footage.

This was the first sighting:
UFO Orb Sighting! 1st Appearance - Oct 2, 2013

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