Tuesday, October 8, 2013

UFO 2013 - Strange Sounds, Trumpets of the Gods 2 (HD)

Strange Sounds: NASA Blue Beam Project or Sign of Apocalypse? A collection off stranges sounds and sky-booms that were recorded this year (2013)
Researchers and scientists have been unable to pinpoint or confirm the source of these strange sounds, but they believe the hum could have been created by ocean waves crashing over continental shelves that produced vibrations.Although some of the videos that were uploaded to Youtube were labeled as hoaxes, most of them are recorded by people all over the world. Is this all a collaborate hoax? You be the judge..

Also watch: Grey Aliens Caught on tape (VERY SCARY!!): 4.6 Million views and counting!

Also watch: Grey Aliens Caught on tape 2 (VERY SCARY!!): 500.000 views and counting!

Also watch: Ghost Activity Caught on Tape (VERY CREEPY!!):

Also watch: Time Travelers Caught on tape:

Also watch: UFO's Caught on Tape (Amazing Footage!!):

Also watch: Bigfoot Caught on tape:

Also watch: MARS Anomalies Caught on tape:

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