Wednesday, October 9, 2013

UFO spotted above Stroud Trusted article source icon

This bright disc was seen above hills near Stroud        
​At least two people reported seeing the bright disc in the skies above Whiteshill and Painswick on Saturday night.“While driving from Painswick to Stroud I spotted a very odd blue/green light in the sky,” said one of the men who saw it, but did not wish to be named.
“It was about 1am. It seemed to be just sitting still above the trees.
“I pulled over in the bus stop near Edge to get some pictures. The object then simply disappeared after a few minutes.”
Another man captured similar images of the unidentified flying object in the same place.
“I was driving from Gloucester to Stroud, at Edge and it was quite a way up,” he said.
I always have my iPhone on me, so quickly took some pictures. I wasn’t frightened - I just didn’t know what it was.”


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