Wednesday, November 20, 2013

UFODI News: Disc Shaped UFO Clearly Wizzing Around Tornado! Indiana U.S 17/11/2013

Location: Noblesville Indiana
Date: 17/11/2013
Witness: Brandon B
This jawdropping UFO footage comes from Indiana U.S and was recorded during the tornados wreckingspree! The clear footage show an ET Saucer Shaped Craft or Governmental Military craft wizzing at speeds inside and around the clouds which clearly show signs of a blizzard! It travels with and against the wind and never flips over just keeping its possition effortlessly slicing through the wind.
Witness Statement: November 17, 2013 Crazy UFO over Noblesville Indiana! It was EXTREMELY windy (tornados about 8 or so miles away!)and this thing was just zipping around like it was nothing! What is it?

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