Sunday, December 15, 2013

Area 51 : Obama Becomes First President to Acknowledge Existence of Area 51

It was only last August 2013 that the CIA confirmed the existence of Area 51. For many decades, conspiracy theorists have been obsessed with the facility claiming that the government is holding crashed UFOs and aliens there. However, despite the acknowledgement made by the CIA, aliens and UFOs are not mentioned in the declassified documents. CIA declassified documents reveal that the site served as a testing ground for aerial surveillance projects during Cold War such as the U-2 spy plane.

In 1995, President Bill Clinton had contributed to the rise of the mystery when he announced a presidential determination declaring the exemption of the site from environmental disclosure. But he never referred the facility as Area 51, instead he called it as the operation facility of Air Force near Groom Lake, Nevada. A year after the presidential determination, the blockbuster movie “Independence Day” highlighted the popular belief about the highly secured storage facility of alien spacecraft and beings.

Just two weeks ago, Area 51 finally acknowledged by a president in the U.S. for the first time in history. President Barack Obama made a reference to the southern Nevada base during the annual Kennedy Center Honors ceremony when he cracked a joke at the expense of actor Shirley MacLaine. It was the first time a U.S. commander in chief has acknowledged the facility to the public. MacLaine, the recipient of one of the five awards given during the annual ceremony, has claimed to have witnessed UFOs many times.

Obama jokingly said that he had to call Shirley MacLaine when asked about the real activity in Area 51. He said that at that moment he talked about Area 51, he became the first president to ever publicly mention the supposedly secret military facility.


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