Wednesday, December 25, 2013

UFO Sighting In Photograph: Metallic Aerial Object above Wisconsin, USA

A couple travelling with their vehicle with the husband driving southbound on Hwy 41 reported to have spotted a dark circle above the highway’s left lane ahead of them in a distance. In their report, they were going home in Oshkosh from Green Bay via Hwy 41 on November 30, 2013 at late in the afternoon.

They started noticing the UFO approximately a mile outside of Little Chute and as they got closer to the object, they realized it was stationary and completely not making any movement at all.

The photo of the UFO has circulated online. It was cropped, enlarged and enhanced. The ball in the photo is very evident and looks very metallic. The photo was enhanced using Adobe Photoshop 7.9 tools.

According to the husband, the object hovered above the highway at around 8 feet and was about the official size of a basketball.

The male witness further said that the object did not make any movement at all as the car in front of them passed directly underneath the UFO. The incident took place around 4:40 PM and as soon as they got home, he reported it to different television stations including Fox 11.

The male witness noted that their sighting was the strangest thing happened in his entire 33 years on Earth.
Click on the photo to enlarge!

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