Monday, January 20, 2014

UFO Sightings U.S. Senator Says Snowden Is a Hero & UFO Disclosure Is Near Exclusive Watch Now!

UFO Sightings U.S. Senator Says Snowden Is a Hero & UFO Disclosure Is Near Exclusive Watch Now! Part 1 Dr. J Andy Ilias, and Blake Cousins interview Senator Michael Gravel In Regards to Area 51 Snowden, and Osama Bin Ladin, and the UFO Cover Up! Jan 19, 2014 Thirdphaseofmoon radio had a historical show when retired Senator Mike Gravel joined Blake & Brent Cousins along with Dr. J to discuss disclosure & all aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Being the senior member of the panel on the citizen hearing on disclosure, Senator Gravel came in with an open mind & left convinced that we are being engaged by an extraterrestrial race & it is being covered up the world governments. Hear this & so much more, plus Dr. Roger Leir joining the group as a special guest caller. All this came from thirdphaseofmoon radio live on revolution radio, Thursdays 8-10 pm ET studio A call in 818-923-1713. Also call in & tell your UFO story Fridays 11pm ET 347-934-0378. Also check out , & of course And if you captured anything amazing, contact us via Skype or Facebook at thirdphaseofmoon.

Stephen Bassett Citizen Hearing in Washington Check out &

If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook!

Music by Paul Barrett Kvfive

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