Saturday, February 1, 2014

UFODI News: Amazing UFO Sighting Recorded In The Skies Of Van Cortland Park- Bronx 03/Jan/2014

Location: Van Cortland Park - Bronx U.S
Date: 03/Jan/2013

Witness Statement: I'm not sure what exactly it was that I photographed, perhaps a drone? It was there for at least an hour from just before sunset around 4PM, not sure of the exact time, on January 3, 2014. It was in the sky until well after dark over Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx, NY. It may have been there longer, because I just looked up from my computer and there it was flashing toward my window. I didn't film the whole time as I am recovering from a broken arm and it was difficult for me to keep holding the camera

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