Monday, March 3, 2014

Extraños OVNIS, Rojos Desaparecen 28/02/2014 Video corto

Please watch in HD and my commentary is from filming with Panasonic, other 2 cameras in sync .Finally able to capture UFO with all 3 cameras. This bright UFO was not a satellite or anything else as per heavens above and other satellite applications. , not iridium flare, etc. Sighting occurred at 844 PM over Vancouver north descending behind the local mountain range in the Cypress park region. I must have seen over a dozen in a hour descend exact same area, some flashing, faster, but this one was so bright for sure there were more witnesses. Anyways if its a satellite it's a spy unknown or space junk but it was really moving way too slow at the onset. Two days prior in Whistler BC, I captured 6 plus objects just above peak of Blackcomb mountain sky hill after I heard couple dogs barking like crazy, of course I brought my Luna with me but had difficulty picking up the objects as I did not bring proper connections, recording was not viewable, nevertheless these objects were there and real, 1 hour and half north of this sighting...I believe UFO s are traveling from south to our local mountain range by the dozens every night for whatever reason!! I will find out soon enough!

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