Saturday, March 8, 2014

Photo of UFO over the Westcountry among latest secret documents released by CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden

A set of slides apparently showing UFOs are part of the latest batch of government documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden

Is this August 2011 photo by a holidaymaker in Cornwall, UK, proof of UFOs or simply an out-of-focus seagull taking a poo, as Nigel Watson claims

The slides belong to a Powerpoint presentation created by the British spy agency GCHQ. Three of the slides purport to depict alien spaceships, but they’ve been dismissed by one UFO expert as fakes.
“The presentation features three UFO pictures, on slides 35 to 37,”Nigel Watson, author of Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, told Yahoo News.
“The first is a black and white picture of a UFO over Redbud, Illinois, taken on 23 April 1950, the second a screenshot of a UFO video by Arturo Robles Gil filmed in Mexico and the third was taken on 01 August 2011 by a holidaymaker at Black Head, Trenarren near St. Austell, Cornwall,” said Mr Watson, who lives in Plymouth.
“They have been explained respectively by skeptics as a hub cap thrown in the air, a deflated Mylar balloon and an out-of-focus seagull taking a poo.”
Mr Watson believes the document is really proof of government attempts at mind control and the slides are part of guidelines for spies on how to spread misinformation via the internet.
“The main evidence for the cover-up of UFO reports and manipulation of UFO beliefs, as revealed by the documents released by Edward Snowden, is contained in a Powerpoint presentation called, The Art Of Deception: Training For A New Generation Of Online Covert Operations,” he said.
“This was produced by the GCHQ, British secret intelligence agency and features 50 slides related to using the internet for psychological operations.
“It was produced by a unit called the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) for presentations to the US, National Security Agency (NSA) and other agencies.”
Mr Watson believes that governments know that supposed UFOs can be used to control the minds of citizens, so the fact that Snowden leaked the slides could be a big blow to the agencies that use the presentation to train spies.
“Government agencies are still aware of the power of the belief in UFOs, and that they are willing to use the internet to exploit these beliefs,” he said.
“Such deception can be used as a means of covering-up more mundane terrestrial activities - like the testing of secret aircraft or military exercises - or to undermine the credibility of ufologists.
“The overall point of the presentation is to discuss how the internet and modern media can be used to discredit people and to spread deception.
“Unfortunately, there is no explanatory text with the UFO pictures, so we can only speculate about what point they were being used to make.”

 By Exeter Express and Echo


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