Thursday, March 27, 2014

Russia Discloses/Releases UFO FilesThe last bit: A commentary by the Chairman of Public research organization «Underwater Search» and First Rank Captain Vladimir Prikhodko

- "The data collected by our seamen have been confirmed by numerous foreign evidences. For example, inside U.S. military press circulated information about unexplainable contact off the coast of Porto Rico. The Navy of United States conducted a training, designed learn to detect "enemy's" submarine. In this exercise participated one aircraft carrier, five escort ships, submarines and few aircraft. All the submarines involved in training where maneuvering in the «quiet invisible mode». Suddenly something extraordinary happened",

said professor Sandersen, who made a report based on analysis of documents from the United States Navy:

- "The technician of hydro acoustics on one of the escort ships noticed that one of the submarines had violated the order and it looked like it was pursuing somewhat unexplainable objective».

The data from acoustics technician put other officers at a standstill. The fact was, devices registered that the speed of unidentified object which moved under water was 150 knots! That is - 280 km / h! This was not possible, because modern submarine in submerged condition can not reach a speed above 45 knots. Officer immediately reported to the captain, who in turn immediately contacted the base ship. They were surprised to learn that, not just one but all the rest of the ships reported the same phenomena. "At least," - writes Professor Sandersen - "13 times they logged with hydro acoustic equipment ultra high speed objects". Immediately reports on all of these were sent to the commander of the Atlantic fleet of the United States Navy.

The object kept maneuvering for four days within a radius of a vast area, and four days the ships and planes of the United States Navy followed where the signal was coming from, observing it. (Or, rather, he followed them? "). That is not it. Judging by the records, the object was able to immerse at a depth of 20,000 feet within minutes. In other words, he had to maneuver in the vertical and horizontal planes. This can not be done with any of the modern submarine vessel built by man. Not to mention that the immersion limit for a modern submarine is not more than 6000 feet. Even «Trieste», built specifically for immersing famous oceanographer Jacques Pikkar in 1960, made a record dive in Mariánské depression to a depth of about 35,800 feet in 4.5 hours so he is not destroyed. But this maneuver of the unknown object from the surface to a depth of 20,000 feet was done in a matter of minutes! "In other words," - writes Sanderson - "a mysterious object literally belongs to another world".

There was another unusual case witnessed by a famous Arctic explorer Dr. Rubens Dzh.Villela, as well as watch officer and helmsman icebreaker, who took part in naval exercises, code-named «Deep Freeze» in the northern Atlantic. In the evening Dr. Villela was on the deck. Suddenly he saw as «something came out of the water cracking the ice three metres wide, and a huge silver bullet disappeared in the sky. Huge blocks of ice, raised in the air tens of meters high, with the cannon roar they hit back on the hummocks, and the water formed in huge bubbles. From it rose a steam. This seems to indicate a giant energy potential that just happened to be released.

In 70'ies American military conducted underwater communications tests. There was a vessel in Atlantic Ocean that emitted signals from the coast. Suddenly they began to receive similar signals, but slightly modified. The analysis revealed: it is not an echo, not a repetition of the primary signal. They located the source. It was at a depth of 8 kilometers. According to American scientists, it looked as if someone had a signal, then they modified it, and passed it back on the same frequency as if to attract attention.

Initially deciphering of the signal failed. Recent repeated attempts on it were done by using powerful computers at Pentagon. The results are not reported. But Americans have increased activity since then in the area signals were «reflected».

In the early 90-ies of the last century, during the test of the sea bed of Bermuda triangle there were two gigantic pyramids found at a depth of 600 meters. The size of which exceeded the size of the Egyptian pyramids. This was back in 1991. It was reported by the oceanographer and a head of the expedition Dr. Kvedvar Mendlik. In his opinion, the pyramids were built only 50 years ago. Technology is unclear. The material is like a very thick glass.

In 1997, the Belingsgauzen depression near antarctic area was examined by Australian military. At a depth of 6 kilometers camera captured oval shaped objects, emitting intense inner light. The film was examined by scholars of Royal Institute of Oceanology. The conclusion was unequivocal: these structures can only be of artificial origin.

These facts lead to the conclusion that the depth of the ocean is as mysterious as cosmos. The problem is - humankind is rushing upwards with great interest and not too intense downwards. Maybe this is a big mistake.


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