Thursday, April 24, 2014

Schneider’s Account On Underground Battle Between Military and Aliens

Phil Schneider was claiming as one of the chosen few task to help build secret U.S. government’s underground bases in Dulce, N.M. in 1979. Schneider, who claimed he was an expert in explosives, made an even louder explosion when he told an amazing story in 1995 about his encounter with extraterrestrials living underground.

Schneider said that his alien encounter was fatal and he was one of three survivors after engaging war with aliens in August 1979, but he was the only person who talked in detail about this encounter with a high level security clearance. Schneider said that the government has knowledge about alien beings.

Schneider was very vocal about government secret on aliens, which takes away the right of every citizen to know the truth. He was giving many talks on his experiences for two years before he died in 1997. Schneider claimed that his life was threatened many times after he started talking about what he knew. His death has been ruled a suicide but his supporters suspect he was murdered to prevent him from further talking about government secrets involving extraterrestrials.


Schneider Account On Alien Base and Battle

Schneider started to become suspicious about the underground base when he noticed so many Special Forces Green Berets around the area. As the team members started the construction, they drilled four large holes. Schneider thought the drilling was a standard procedure but he noticed a black sooty air came up as they drilled holes. He went underground to check the area and suddenly found a 7-foot-tall grey alien just feet away.

The alien made a circular motion of its hand in front of Schneider’s chest and next thing he knew, a blue beam hit him and literally opened up him up like a fish. During his lecture at the Preparedness Expo in 1995, he showed his hand, fingers and chest that were burnt by the beam. He also revealed that his shoes and toenails were also burnt.

Schneider revealed that he saw other aliens with the same physical feature as the one that burned his chest and other parts of his body. He shot two of them, was saved by a Green Beret but also died in the process of saving him. The Green Beret got Schneider into a lift and pushed the button up above the ground.

Schneider revealed that more than 60 people died that day and the other two survivors are living in nursing homes in Canada and heavily guarded by the Canadian government. He further disclosed that there’s a war down under and it continues since that time. He is referring to 1,477 underground bases all over the world in which 129 of them were built in the U.S. with estimated cost of $17 billion or more each. He said that the Black Budget has been secretly financed by 25% percent of the gross national product. This spending was hidden to some government agencies in the U.S. and to the public. 

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