Monday, May 19, 2014

Astronomy event Friday to highlight meteor storm

WATERTOWN — The Sci-Tech Center of Northern New York, 154 Stone St., will host a free astronomy event at 9:30 p.m. Friday at the Perch River Wildlife Management Area, Vaadi Road.
Agency staff members will be on hand with telescopes to help participants find planets and constellations and learn how to use stars for navigation. Expected to be unique to that night is a meteor storm with hundreds of meteors per hour. The Sci-Tech center said the show is “due to an obscure comet known as 209P/LINEAR, which travels throughout the Earth’s orbit about every five years.”
If overcast skies postpone the event until 9:30 p.m. Saturday, a recording will be placed on the Sci-Tech astronomy-observing phone line at 788-2738.


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